
Target Has Launched A Bunch Of Board Games That'll Help You Re-Live Your Childhood

Playing board games used to be what every kid thought of as fun. Now, most kids would rather play with a cellphone or computer. However, there is still a good portion of the population who are happy to sit down with a good ol' fashioned board game, but, a lot of us are older now. We do happen to be a little bit stuck in our ways, but we can't help but be nostalgic for our childhood, because simply put, everything from our childhood was better. We had the best TV shows, the best music, and the best movies, so


13 Dreadful Life Lessons You Learned While Playing 13 Dead End Drive That Haunt You To This Day

Listen, board games were a very important part of our childhood. Dream Phone was played almost every weekend, Fireball Island was played on those days when you had the energy to set it up, but there was one game that trumped them all. 13 Dead End Drive was what happened if you mixed Clue with Mouse Trap, and also added in some good old-fashioned sabotage. The object of the game was simple: Survive. The backstory of the game (not that anyone really cared about that) was that a wealthy woman died and now there is a big fight over who


The Board Game 'Clue' Has Officially 'Killed Off' One Of Its Famous Suspects

There are some board games that were just completely necessary to our childhoods. Monopoly, Life, and Candy Land are basically taught to us as soon as we old enough, and they remain one of the go-to activities when we're bored. Arguably the best game to play was Clue. It was faster then Monopoly, more involved then Life, and a way better story line then Candy Land. The game had a dark premise, sure, but finding the murderer of Samuel Black made you feel like a super cool detective and we all loved it. Clue came out in 1949, and while


Is Mall Madness Worth As Much Money As People Have Been Claiming?

clicWe all had a lot of toys growing up. There were board games, dolls, video games, and of course stuffed animals. Of course some were better than others, but there were always a few standouts that were unbelievably amazing. Mall Madness was one of these standouts. EbayMall Madness was a board game that came out in 1988 and was essentially based completely around shopping. The game is set in a two story shopping mall where players would have $150-$200 (depending on the version you were playing) to try to make purchases. EtsyThere would be surprise sales and clearances to


15 Toy Commercials From The '90s That We Could Never Forget, Even If We Wanted To

If you wanted to own some of the weirdest and best toys imaginable, the 90s were where you needed to be. Growing up at that time meant you could buy not one, not two, but three different dolls that could pee. It meant that your board games were based around murdering people. It meant that beating up your friends was just a fun good time as long as you covered your fists in balloons. YouTubeEvery toy we had in the 90s was simultaneously the weirdest and best thing ever. I don't know why we thought a lot of these things


There's A Bob Ross Board Game For Anyone Who Wants To Reach Maximum Chill

2017 has seen the revival of many gems from our childhoods, and now everyone's beloved art instructor Bob Ross is making a comeback in the most unexpected way. By no means would anyone who grew up watching Bob Ross on television ever liken him to the competitive type. I mean, there's no way painting "happy little trees" could be made into a competition, or so you thought. dazeddigital.comThere's a "Bob Ross: The Art of Chill" board game available for purchase, and we have been struggling to stay chill since finding out about its existence. The game, obviously inspired by


The Real History Of Monopoly Is A Lot More Controversial Than You'd Expect

Playing Monopoly with your family and friends was a pretty common thing when you were a kid. A lot of us still try to play it when we hang out in groups, but we all know the game usually ends up with someone frustrated. William WarbyHowever, it turns out, the game we all know and love has a controversial past that they don't want you to know about. Carbon CostumeThe story that the Parker Brothers have been shipping along with their board game is always the same: Charles Darrow invented the game while he was unemployed during the Depression. By


9 Of The Most Stressful Games You Used To Play As A Kid

There are a lot of board games in the universe, some good and some bad. The thing is, some are good in a way but if you think about it they are kind of bizarre. A lot of the games we used to play as kids were just the most stressful things imaginable. There were ticking times, beeping buzzers and exploding brains, all in the name of fun. How many of these games do you remember? How did they not just give us all tiny little heart attacks? Some of these stress me out just to think about them... 1.


13 Board Games From Our Past That No One Remembers (For Good Reason)

Monopoly, Trouble, The Game Of Life. What do these have in common? They're all classic board games that will never get old. They're the source of family fun (and drama depending on who's the thimble.) But what about the less remembered games? The ones that gave a valiant effort but ultimately fell to the wayside? Well here they are. 1. Town Dump (1977)What better way to teach your children about throwing trash on a neighbor's lawn than making it a fun board game?! You had a wind-up bulldozer that propels itself across the board, and the objective was to


10 Amazing 'Princess Bride' Collectibles That Are Exactly As Perfect "As You Wish'

The Princess Bride is without a doubt one of greatest movies all time. I don't think anyone can try to dispute that, it's honestly just "inconceivable."  Whether it's the romantic love story that you enjoy, the hilarious jokes, or the well rounded characters fighting for what they believe, there really is a lot of amazing pieces to this perfect puzzle. While we seem to be in a land of reboots, with every television show and movie making their comeback, so far Princess Bride has been able to escape that trend. Let's hope it stays that way.But just because