
Lip Smacker's New Christmas Collection Brings Back Your 90s Favorites. All Of Them.

If there was one product that you had to pick that would best represent what it was like to be a preteen in the 90s, I think a lot of us girls would agree that Lip Smackers would be the best choice. These little tubes of oftentimes glittered, scented, colorful lip-balm made us all feel like the fanciest of ladies, totally ready to grab our purses and do whatever it is that our moms did when they weren't paying attention to us. You had so many different choices too. You'd have a classic berry scented red Lip Smacker, you'd have


10 Fashion Mistakes We Were Guilty Of Making In The 80s That We Really Wish We Could Forget

The 80s were a time that not all of us are proud of. We wore a lot of colors, we made a lot of bold hair choices, and our makeup wasn't always as subtle as it could have been, but you know what, it was awesome. Okay, I'm lying, it was kind of a mess. But it was a lovable mess. It was never boring, that's for sure, but we can't really pretend like there weren't dozens of fashion mistakes that we all look at and kind of regret. Don't believe me? Let's take a look. 1. The MulletTaste of


'Saved By The Bell' Lipstick Exists, And Your Inner Tween Is Squealing

90s kids rejoice because this new line of Saved By The Bell products will have you smacking your lips in excitement. If we have learned anything it is that nothing unites us like 90s nostalgia. Whether it's scrunchies making a comeback, or reboots of our favorite show like Rosanne or Full House, we just can't seem to get enough!Now 20 years later, we are getting ready for yet another line of products that has us excited!A new line of Saved By The Bell lipstick is launching with makeup company Sola Look, which is also responsible for a Dirty

Pop Culture

12 Life Lessons Every 90s Kid Learned From Magazines

Who was the on the cover of your favorite issue of J-14? Which quiz do you distinctly remember passing around the table in the cafeteria? Magazines played a huge role in teaching young girls about growing up and offered advice to the questions we were afraid to ask. Now girls have Instagram, blogs, and YouTube to teach them how to do their makeup, offer real life advice and all the celebrity gossip you could possibly imagine. Instead of bloggers, YouTubers and Instagram celebrities we put our trust in Tiger Beat, CosmoGirl and Seventeen to teach us about fashion, answer all


15 Old Caboodles Cases That You Know You Filled With Lip Smackers

We all had them. They were basically a requirement to be considered a preteen. What am I talking about? A Caboodles makeup case, obviously! Mirror80Getting one of these makeup cases was one of the ways that you knew you were growing up! As soon as you were old enough to own enough makeup or nail polish to necessitate a Caboodles case, you knew you were about to enter the days of training bras and teen magazines. You were becoming a real teen and it was time to pick the case that would accompany you on this dramatic period of your


15 Beauty Trends From The Early 2000s That You Wish You Could Forget

We have all made some regrettable decisions in our lives, that is just a fact. One thing that we have all been guilty of is following trends that really didn't deserve to be followed. We didn't have the Y2K problems we expected, but this new millennium did present a different issue. All the sudden we became these monsters who thought eyebrows were evil and bronzer was the most important part of your look. A lot of us fell victim to the 00s trends, and it's time to start the healing process and admit that we made some mistakes. The first