
8 Actors Who Are Still Filthy Rich, Even Though We Haven't Seen Them In Forever

What ever happened to those actors who you used to love watching on the regular, either in their hit television shows, or during their big screen performances? Even better than that, what did they do once the "gravy train" ran dry? Do they still have the money they made over their years of hard work? Some of them are back to being regular people, having spent their money faster than they could make it, while others were smart and made sure that they had something to fall back on once their days of acting were long behind them. Here are


9 Commercials From The 90s We Still Reference Even If We Don't Remember Why

The 90s were definitely a strange decade. One need not look any further than our television viewing habits, complete with the exceedingly weird commercials that for some reason used to convince us to do things or purchase random products.  As I searched through various archives for the most ridiculous of 90s commercials, I was hit with both a feeling or nostalgia, and more than a bit of incredulity. Some of these are just freaking mind blowing for how bad they are! I will let you be the judge. Here are 9 of the strangest commercials to ever come out


10 Secrets From The Charmed Set That You Won't Know If You're Not A Witch

It was recently announced that there would be a reboot of the hit 90s and early 2000s show Charmed, but there will be a few major twists. In preparation for the release of the reboot (no specific date has been announced yet) let's take a look at 10 things you didn't know about the original show. 1. Holly Marie Combs (Piper) had two "romances" going on at the same time.For the entire eight season span of the show, Holly Marie Combs, who played Piper, had an onscreen romance going on with Leo Wyatt who was played by Brian Krause.

Pop Culture

8 Stars We Never Knew Started On Book Covers

Before they were household names in the music, television, and movie industries, celebrities had to do what they had to in order to make a name for themselves. Some did embarrassing commercials, some did "adult" movies, and others took whatever work they could find. For these 8 celebrities though, they decided to do a little bit of modeling, but not the kind you are thinking of. Instead they decided to pose for the covers of novels, quite the "novel" idea wouldn't you say?1. Matt Bomer Before he was the star of the TV show White Collar, he actually modeled

Pop Culture

8 TV Shows That Were Cancelled Way Too Soon

It can be disheartening to get too involved with your favorite TV shows. The television landscape changes so frequently and suddenly that you can find yourself depressed that your favorite show wont be coming back for another season. These cancellations can happen in the blink of an eye, and it can hit people quite hard. Here are 8 shows that I feel were cancelled before their time was truly up.1. Futurama Futurama first landed on televisions across America in 1999. After four seasons it was cancelled, but was later brought back for an additional season. It has been cancelled


8 Sports Movies From The 90s That Made Us Feel Like We Were Part Of The Team

The 90s were definitely the golden age of live-action kids movies, especially sports stories. I grew up watching these tales of underdogs beating the "favorite," of unlikely friendships being made through sport and competition, and of people figuring out who they truly are. It was great to see these things happen as a kid, and I truly think it helped define my love of sports and "friendly" competition. Hollywood hasn't seen fit to give us a classic kid's sports movie in quite some time, so let's look back at the 8 best from the 90s. 1. Little Giants Nothing is


5 Awesome Movies That Prove Critics Don't Know Anything

What is the difference between a great movie and a terrible movie? Well, I guess it all depends on the individual people who see it. Sometimes movies hit the big screen and are resoundingly hated by critics and fans, even though when you sit back and think about them, they are awesome movies. For this list we are going to look at movies that were resoundingly hated by critics and most audiences, yet when you actually watch them for their pure entertainment value, they were actually amazing movies. Here are 5 of the best "terrible" movies from the 90s and


They've Been Out Of Detention For Over 30 Years, So Where Did 'The Breakfast Club' Cast End Up?

Nearly 33 years ago, the cult classic, The Breakfast Club hit the big screens and was an immediate success. After more than three decades a lot can change, especially the actors and actresses that portrayed these iconic characters. That being said, after all of these years, where have the five of them actually ended up?Let's take a walk down memory lane to see if they kept the "Hollywood Dream" alive.1. Molly Ringwald - Claire StandishMolly Ringwald looked like she was going to become a Hollywood icon for the rest of her life. But after The Breakfast Club she


10 Secrets Not Even Immortals Knew About "Angel"

Buffy The Vampire Slayer may have come first, but when the show produced the spin-off, Angel, the audience ate it up. It is considered to be one of the better spin-off shows ever created.  E! OnlineAngel only lasted five seasons, but it wasn't for a lack of popularity, it actually did quite well during its somewhat short run. It has been nearly 13 years since we closed the book on Angel and the rest of his gang, so in honor of that, let's take a look at 10 things you likely didn't know about the show. 1. Awards and


10 Incredible 90s Toy Commercials That Had Us Spending All Our Parents' Money

As we get closer and closer to Christmas, the number of commercials aimed directly at kids has drastically increased with each passing day. Most of them follow the same cookie cutter script, with little to no creativity, what ever happened to the awesome commercials from the 90s that we all grew up with?Leading up to Christmas 2017, let's take a look back at the toys we all wanted as kids because the commercials made them all look like so much "fun."1. TalkboyWith smartphones being as prolific as they are, there is no longer any market for these kinds