
12 Photos of Vintage RV Campers That Will Take You Back To The Best Times Of Your Life

Reddit / Inhabitat

When we were kids, our favorite thing in the world was going on road trips. If they were a surprise, even better!

Traveling in a car just didn't have the same feeling to it. An RV camper or a teardrop trailer on the back of your truck was the only way you could actually have a memorable summer holiday.

Here are 12 photos of vintage RV campers that will take you back to some of the best times of your life.

1. There was no shortage of these on the roads during the summer times.

2. The GMC motorhome looks small from the outside, but was HUGE on the inside. Also, did yours always smell musty?

3. The VW Beetle bug campers were the "cutesy" thing to own.

4. The 1953 35' Vagabond was literally a house on wheels.

5. This '70s RV bus makes going to school seem fun.

We all wanted at least one of these next ones!

6. These caravans were super popular and a much cheaper alternative than having a massive RV.

7. This was like stepping inside a time capsule.

8. You either loved or hated these trailers when it rained.

9. Compact vans were only cute and nothing else.

10. Camping just isn't the same without one of these.

11. The teardrop trailers were arguably the best campers created.

12. The Benroy teardrop trailer has stood the test of time. Do you agree?

Did your family own any of these RV campers?

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