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How Do Crypto Futures Work and What Strategies To Use?

Cryptocurrency futures have become increasingly popular in the digital asset space, providing traders with enticing opportunities to speculate on price fluctuations and effectively manage their risk exposure. In the following discussion, we will delve into the inner workings of trading crypto strategies and explore diverse trading strategies that market participants employ.

Grasping the Concept of Crypto Futures

When you buy crypto futures, you conclude financial agreements that empower you to either acquire or sell a specific asset at a pre-set value and day in the future. These contracts offer market participants the ability to assume both long (buy) and short (sell) positions on the asset, all without the need to physically possess the asset itself. When these agreements reach their expiration, the settlement can either occur.

Here are the essential elements:

  • Underlying asset. Futures contracts derive their value from underlying crypto.
  • Contract specifications. Each futures contract comes with specific parameters that define its characteristics, including the contract size, expiry date, and tick size, which represents the minimum price movement.
  • Leverage. Futures often incorporate leverage, which enables traders to control a larger position than their initial capital investment. It can significantly amplify both potential profits and losses, thus requiring careful consideration.

Best Futures Trading Strategies

Here are some crypto strategies to apply in this case:

  • Directional trading. Long (buy) strategy means traders are speculating on a price increase through the purchase of contracts, intending to sell them at a higher price. Short (sell)  means traders anticipate a decline in the rate and opt for a short position by selling contracts, aiming to repurchase them at a lower value, thereby profiting from the price difference.
  • Cash-and-carry arbitrage. Traders engage in a strategy known as cash-and-carry arbitrage by simultaneously buying the underlying asset and selling contracts. This approach exploits price discrepancies between spot markets and futures markets.
  • Reverse cash-and-carry. Conversely, traders can participate in reverse cash-and-carry arbitrage by selling the underlying assets and buying futures agreements. This strategy seeks to profit from the opposite price discrepancy.
  • Inter-exchange spread. Traders take advantage of price disparities between the same asset on different exchanges. They simultaneously purchase the cryptocurrency at a lower price on one exchange and sell it at a higher price on another.
  • Intra-exchange spread involves exploiting price variations within the same exchange. Traders buy the asset at a lower price and promptly sell it at a higher rate, capitalizing on the value discrepancy.

While futures present enticing opportunities, it's vital to acknowledge the inherent risks involved. Market volatility, the amplification effect of leverage, and unforeseen price movements can result in substantial losses. Traders should exercise prudence and carefully assess their risk tolerance levels. Implementing suitable risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and diversifying their portfolio, is crucial.

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