
22 Experiences Literally Everyone Had At Their Grandma's House

Grandma's house was a pretty magical place for any kid. We'd get stuffed full of whatever food and candy we wanted, and the rules we normally had to follow at home didn't apply. But those aren't the only things we'd experience when we visited our Grandmas, chances are you saw all of these things every time you went over there.

1. Doilies absolutely everywhere

Basically every flat surface had at least one of them, usually more.

2. Getting so excited when you saw this tin sitting out

Because who doesn't get excited by cookies?

3. The feeling of betrayal when you opened it and saw this

It would trick us Every. Single. Time.

4. Distracting ourselves by playing with this instead

No clue why this was so much fun, but it was.

5. Sitting in the living room on a couch that looked like this

Why did literally every grandma have a couch like this?

6. Though it was probably covered in plastic for some reason

In the summer your legs would always get stuck to it.

7. One of these would always be sitting on the coffee table

Kappa Books

But we all knew better than to even think about touching it.

8. Any Kleenex boxes would have a crocheted cover for reasons we still don't understand

Was she worried they'd get cold or something?

9. One of these would be in some random corner of the living room

We'd always play on it, but otherwise we're pretty sure it went untouched.

10. No matter what year it was, her TV looked like this

If you were really lucky it at least had a remote, otherwise changing the channel was your job.

11. And you were probably stuck watching her shows


Of course she loved us, but nothing would keep her from her shows. Nothing. But at least the next thing on the list would always make being bored worth it.

12. There would always be a bowl of these waiting for you

No matter how many times she took us shopping we never actually saw her buy them. They always just....appeared.

13. And if it wasn't the strawberries, there were definitely Werther's

It was always one or the other, never both.

14. Her dining room had at least one cabinet full of things we were never, ever, EVER allowed to touch

It always called to us, but we knew better than to mess with Grandma.

15. Along with a matching fancy case of silverware that we were banned from going anywhere near.

It was so hard to resist something so shiny.

16. She also had plates just hanging on the walls

Not all of her fancy plates were in that untouchable cabinet.

17. There would 100% for sure be a toilet rug in her bathroom

Just, why Grandma?

18. She would make you at least one dinner in a pan like this

19. Trying to find the margarine was a literal scavenger hunt

You'd have to open margarine containers filled with literally every other kind of food on Earth before you could get to the right one.

20. Which always made us wonder why she even had all this Tupperware

Just put the leftovers in these so I can find the damn margarine when I need to!

21. As she would say goodbye to you, she would always hand you money exactly like this

Your mom couldn't get mad if she didn't see it happen.

22. As you would drive away, you'd turn around and see your Grandma looking like this

Why does literally every grandma wave goodbye like this?

Share if this reminds you of your Grandma!

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