
7 Instagram Trends That You Need to Know in 2021

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

If you are a brand or a business and you are looking to add Instagram in your marketing strategy, now would be one of the best times to do so. With more than one billion active monthly users worldwide, Instagram as a social media platform is not only striving for success in fact, it is thriving. 2021, is a new year and with a new year comes a new algorithm, new marketing campaigns and so on. You will want to know what are the new marketing trends that are going viral, the latest Instagram trends that are actually attracting the audience towards your Instagram handle, and moreover, you need to be will informed about the tweaks and adjustments that you need to add to your marketing strategy for Instagram.

From making sure that you utilize all the necessary tools on Instagram, to the rise of the reels and how to use them in your marketing strategy to ensuring that your feed and content is engaging and attractive enough to gain more followers, here are a few pointers to help you out.

1.    The rise of the Instagram Reels.

This is one of the latest features that Instagram just added a few months ago and this is the hottest trend in the world. Because of the fact that it is Instagram’s fairly new feature, Instagram will make sure that the reach and exposure is higher as compared to the rest of your content. Moreover, the Instagram reels are extremely creative, fast paced and engaging, which means the longer the reel manages to capture the attention of the user, the more it is promoted. You have about fifteen to thirty seconds to give your best shot, and in regards to the visual aesthetic, the Instagram reels can be made with any filter and even can add a whole new cover image before you publish. Instagram reels is one of the best ways you can gain and access a higher reach to your potential audiences and this will even help in growing your content and account followers organically. A huge number of brands use the Instagram reels in their marketing strategy in order to expand their reach to their potential audiences as well.

2.     Increased number of followers.

Now that you have added Instagram reels in your marketing strategy, you can increase your Instagram followers organically by posting your Instagram reels regularly, and making sure that you maintain a proper and regulated schedule according to the time you have the most active followers. This will help in increasing the interactions and engagements on your posts, and also generate leads to your Instagram profile and website. Furthermore, with the increasing number of followers, you will also have an expanding audience, in the most organic way available who will now even share your content with their followers as well.

3.    Increase in the number of stories.

Make sure that you are posting at least three to four stories every day because this will help in increasing the overall interactions to your content and Instagram handle. Another thing to remember is to go as creative as you can get on your Instagram stories as this will help in making sure that the time that your follower spends on viewing your story is more and will again, help in increasing your content engagements.

4. Make sure that you’re your Instagram profile tells your audience a visual story all about your brand and what does it signify.

It is the year 2021, and optimizing your profile is equally important and making sure that your profile is aesthetic enough to keep up with the trends. A lot of Instagram users also tend to search for brands and businesses more than they actually do on Google and that is why you would see so many brands optimizing their Instagram profile as much as they can as first impressions do matter. This is one of the best ways to make sure that you are expanding your reach and building an active and engaging audience.

5.    Instagram SEO matters as well.

Instagram SEO is one of the most important trends because introducing the keywords in your Instagram profile is going to be another way for users to find your content and your profile apart from searching for new hashtags. While currently the search results for keywords are only displayed on the feed posts on Instagram, there are high chances that it will be introduced in the post captions as well.

6.    Carousel posts and sharing them weekly,

Multiple photo carousels have grown in number and are the new thing in town that are gaining popularity because of the fact that they help in increasing the reach and engagement of the profile. Making sure that your carousels are of high quality and are posts almost weekly help in increasing your ranking on Instagram and making sure that you feed the Instagram algorithm which also means that you will be exposed to a much wider and potential audience. The more time that is spent on your content makes sure that it helps in your algorithm ranking.

7.    Make sure your attention is even on the IGTV.

While Instagram reels and live helps in content interaction, IGTV is another way of Instagram making sure that you can post long videos on the social media platform which will help in gaining more reach for your Instagram profile. Making sure that your IGTV videos are of a high quality, creative and engaging enough to your audience also plays a huge role in making your Instagram marketing strategy work.

These are a few seven Instagram trends for the year 2021, that will help you gain the exposure and the followers to make sure that your brand is successful and gains an active and engaging audience in the most organic method available. You will have to keep in mind that you will need to maintain a schedule and stick to it consistently in order to make sure that your marketing strategy works.

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