Food and Snacks | Life | 90s

26 Snacks From The '90s You Wish You Could Eat Right This Very Second

Whether they are one of the sad relics left in the past, or something you just haven't had in a while, all the foods from your childhood are locked away in your mind just waiting to be remembered.

There are a lot of snacks that have been tragically discontinued, as well as several that just get forgotten as you grow up, but that doesn't mean you don't miss them. Here are 26 of the foods you forgot you loved when you younger, and probably wish you could eat right now!

1. Cosmic Brownies

2. Mini M&Ms

3. Ice Cream Push Ups

4. Caprisun

5. Ice Cream Cups with Wooden Spoons

6. Candy Cigarettes

7. Lunchables Pizza

8. Gushers

9. Dunkaroos

10. Handi-Snacks

11. Surge

12. Snapple

Is your mouth watering yet? Because there are still more snacks that you'll be craving as soon as you see them.

13. 3D Doritos

14. Fruit-By-The-Foot

15. Squeezeit

16. Hubba Bubba Bubble Jug

17. Hi-C

18. Reese's Swoops

19. Pop-Tarts Crunch

20. String Thing Fruit Snacks

21. Bottle Pop

22. Fruit Roll-Ups

23. Jawbreakers

24. Push Pop

25. Bubble Tape

26. Fun Dip

Which of these were your favorite? Share in the comments!

If your favorite snack wasn't on this list, check out this one for even more options!

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