Food and Snacks | Life | 80s | 90s

20 Mascots Responsible For Almost All Of Your Food Choices As A Kid

Pretty much the best part about being a kid is the snacks right? You get to eat a bunch of sugary treats with bright and fun colors, all complete with their own awesome mascot. Some companies even managed to use a fun mascot to trick us into eating healthier foods!

How many of these classic mascots for you remember from your childhood? A lot of them are still around, which one is your favorite?

Tony the Tiger


Sugar Bear

Trix Rabbit

Snap, Crackle and Pop

Hamburger Helper Glove

Koolaid Man

Cap'n Crunch

Sonny the Cuckoo Bird

Slush Puppie

Nesquik Bunny

There are more mascots to remember! Click to the next page to see the rest.

Cookie Crook and Cookie Cop

Count Chocula

Buzz the Bee


Jolly Green Giant

Toucan Sam

Chester Cheetah

Pillsbury Doughboy

Vlassic Bird

Mr. Peanut


Which mascot was your favorite growing up? Share in the comments!

Which commercial was your favorite growing up? Can't remember any? Click here to see 10 of the best ones that used to play during out favorite Saturday morning cartoons!

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