School | Life | 90s

12 Things We Did In School That Were Way More Important Than Our Education

Being a kid is much simpler than being an adult, so of course that means that you took the "important" things in your life VERY seriously, to a level that was probably hilarious to the adults you knew. In particular, these 12 things used to be serious business back in elementary school

Getting that sweet, sweet prize for selling as many of these as possible.

World's Finest

Keeping all your crayons and pencil crayons in great shape.


Getting a chocolate milk and being willing to die before giving it up to anybody.


Two words: Scholastic Bookfairs.


Having the absolute best container for all of your supplies.


You're definitely going to remember taking these next few things VERY seriously.

Getting some quality time on the greatest computer program ever made.


Needing the markers that actually smelled good.

Mr Sketch

Letting this game decide your entire future.


Having tons of cool erasers that you never actually used.


Making sure you pencil topper game was on point.


Drawing this thing on freaking everything.


And of course, making sure these were in your lunch box EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Betty Crocker

Which of these was super important to you as a child?

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20 Popular Names From The 1990s That It Seems Like Almost Every Kid Had

Jessica H., Amanda S., and Ryan F., could you please come to the front of the class? If you had a popular name in the 90s, you will likely remember having the first letter of your last name as your official reference point. After all, how would they know which Michael was supposed to present today?Here are the 20 most popular names of 1990 that you can remember having at least one of in your class. Did your name make the list?20. Amber / RobertAround Movies19. Victoria / AnthonyBT18. Alexis / WilliamCloser Weekly17. Nicole / Justin90s 41116. Jennifer / ZacharyUS Weekly15. Rachel / JohnBustle14.


15 Things We Grew Up With In The '90s That Are No Longer Socially Acceptable

It can be painful to consider just how much time has passed since the '90s (seriously don't think too hard about it) and how much of day-to-day life has changed since then. ImgurBut it's hard not to be reminded when you start to realize some things that were 100% totally fine then are now at best completely unacceptable, and at worst worthy of complete social exile. Here are some of the things we never thought twice about doing in the '90s that we definitely wouldn't get away with today.1. Showing up at someone's house completely unannouncedNobody saw any problems


10 Movies You Always Have To Explain To Your Friends, Even Though You Remember Them Clear As Day

We all have movies that we watched over and over when we were kids, but for some reason it seems like our friends don't remember them. Why is it that these movies made such a big impact on us when they don't acknowledge that they used to watch them? Are they ashamed of how awesome our childhood favorites were? Because they are nothing short of epic. These movies are some of the best of best, even though many people claim they can't remember watching them. If you can remember these classics then you are the coolest of your friends. 1.