Life | School | Retro

10 Awesome School Supplies That Made Going Back To School Almost Worth It

Back to school time was always a rough time when you were a kid. Suddenly your summer vacation was over, and you couldn't spend all your free time playing outside anymore. Fortunately, schools did have some nice fun distractions from how tough it could be, and they often made our lives that much better. Things like...

Scratch and sniff stickers were the ultimate seal of approval


Y'know what was better than coloring with markers? When they smelled great, that's what


Trapper Keepers, all of them

Trapper Keeper

For when holding your pencil properly was just too hard

Pen Pal

And because your pencil eraser needed to be so much cooler


The rest of these were the REAL treats...

Those plastic scissors that never actually cut anything


White glue, white glue errywhere

One Good Thing

The complete and total rush you got whenever these got handed out


All of the high-tech toys that were supposed to teach us spelling


"Educational" games on the school computers

The Learning Company

Share with anyone who remembers these awesome school supplies!

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20 Popular Names From The 1990s That It Seems Like Almost Every Kid Had

Jessica H., Amanda S., and Ryan F., could you please come to the front of the class? If you had a popular name in the 90s, you will likely remember having the first letter of your last name as your official reference point. After all, how would they know which Michael was supposed to present today?Here are the 20 most popular names of 1990 that you can remember having at least one of in your class. Did your name make the list?20. Amber / RobertAround Movies19. Victoria / AnthonyBT18. Alexis / WilliamCloser Weekly17. Nicole / Justin90s 41116. Jennifer / ZacharyUS Weekly15. Rachel / JohnBustle14.


6 Things About "Good Will Hunting" That You Can't Just Read In A Book

By now, if you haven't seen this incredibly witty and emotional classic film you've either been living under a rock, or are too much of a genius to have ever left the library. But either way, don't worry. It's not your fault. The character drama about a boy genius who is making his way through life in Boston has had an unbelievably strong pull on audiences for the past three decades. Whether it was because of the lovable debut of screenwriters Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the gripping performance by Robin Williams, or the narrative around a prodigy who has