Pop Culture | 90s

The Strange Thing We All Missed When We Watched 'Toy Story' Will Change How You Look At Andy


Toy Story may be one of the most famous Pixar movies of all time, but that doesn't mean it hasn't left us all with some questions. Woody, Buzz, and friends create an interesting world that we get to experience, but there are a few strange theories about the classic movie that have us wondering what's going on.


There are popular fan theories and questions that have been circulating since the movie came out back in the 90s, but some are more disturbing than others.


There are some that aren't too creepy, like "Why does Buzz freeze when Andy comes in if he doesn't know he's a toy?"


Some that are much more upsetting, like "Do the toys live forever? Because even the destroyed toys that are reassembled in Sid's room still move."


There is a whole theory about the fact that Jessie's former owner was actually Andy's mom, but that is more depressing than upsetting.


But the most recent theory that people are wondering about, is a little creepier than all of these...

So in the world of Toy Story, we don't spend a lot of time with the humans. Obviously we care a heck of a lot more about the toys, so why would we bother? The thing is, the humans are an important part of the movie and it's a bit bizarre we don't see more of them.


As it turns out, if you actually take a good hard look at the kids in the movie, they all look basically the same.


Andy, the most important human in the movie, has his simple design of a face. He's just a young boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes.


But when you go to his birthday party, who is that other kid who just arrived?


He also has brownish hair and the exact same facial structure?!


Realizing this makes you look at the only other kid you see in the movie: Sid. Turns out he also looks SUPER similar to Andy, just with braces and different colored eyes.


Did you ever realize that all of the neighborhood kids are essentially clones of Andy? Let us know what you think of this crazy Toy Story theory?

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