
A Party Just Wasn't A Party Without These 10 Jams From The 2000s

The early 2000s were a pretty good time to be a teenager. It was a transition time between the 90s (which were terrible for a lot of reasons) and the current culture that we have now (which needs no explanation). The house parties I went to in those years were pretty good, and we had some pretty good music to jam out to while we drank our sodas. And we all know that a party just wasn't a party without some great music. Here are 10 jams from the early 2000s that you would (and expect) to hear when you


'Scream' Fans Can Go To A Party At 'Stu's House' And Even Get A Call From Ghostface

We all want to take some time an live in the worlds that our favorite movies create for us. Imagine how fun it would be to step inside the delightful worlds that people work so hard to make? Most of them would be super fun to explore, but there's one type of movie that most people would probably want to avoid. Horror movies are generally the kind of genre that you enjoy watching, but wouldn't want to experience first hand. Trying to fight off a murder is really not most people's idea of a fun time, or at least that's