Pop Culture

35 Pictures From Your Childhood That Will Make 90s Kids Say "Whoa, I Remember That"

Don't expect any kernels of wisdom or glowing insights into the past here, we just wanted to bring you this list of seriously nostalgic pictures. Each one is like a miniature blast from the past if you grew up in the '90s. Check it out:1.PBS2.Young Fashioned 3.Harper Collins4. Nickelodeon5. Scholastic6.Nickelodeon7. Nickelodeon8. Cartoon Network9.Imgur10. Wikimedia11. True Startis12. Scholastic13. Imgur14. @Hannah_Lynn212 / Twitter15. Santa22 / YouTubeKeep reading for even more pictures that will transport you back in time...16. Acid Cow17. Lastcallcleaveland / YouTube18.Pikabeara / Imgur19. @Shad0wingD / Twitter20. Electronic Literature21. Nickelodeon22. Wikia23.Imgur24. Fearless Gamer25.Nickelodeon26. NeoGaf27.Buena


13 Times Ms. Swan Made You Literally Laugh Out Loud

MADTv brought us one of the most timeless sketch comedy characters of all time with Ms. Swan. Alex Borstein brought the character to life during her run on the show, and even though she left in 2002, it's still probably what she's known for best. Ms. Swan is of unknown cultural origin, though all the writers on MADTv insist that she was based off singer Bjork. Ms. Swan had some pretty great sketches, and they all made us laugh out loud. How many do you remember? 1. Ms. Swan Goes To Starbucks2. Ms. Swan At The Candy Store3. Ms. Swan


14 Break Up Songs From The 90s That Will Make You Cry Your Eyes Out All Over Again

The 90's was a golden age for the world of pop culture, most notably for their tantalizing music tracks. A popular theme for artists in that era were songs about love and relationships, and ultimately, their soul crushing demise. So if you're reeling from the end of a relationship, pull out your discman and make a mix CD, because we have the ultimate list of break up songs from the 90s.  1. "Don't Speak" by No Doubt (1995)The Grammy-nominated song was written by No Doubt's vocalist Gwen Stefani and her brother Eric, about the end of her seven


21 Memories We All Share From Spending Hours Playing Neopets

There are a lot of sights and sounds of the internet from the early 2000s that bring back a flood of memories, but just hearing the word "Neopets" can cause intense flashbacks. We spent hours raising our virtual pets and catering to their every need. If you grew up playing Neopets, these memories are burned into your brain, probably forever.1. First, you had to pick your petsNeopets IncAgh! This is already too much pressure!2. Don't forget to pick up your daily ration of omeletteNeopets Inc.The easiest way to provide for your growing Neo-family.3. And stop by


11 Cartoons We Loved In The 80s That No One Remembers Today

It's funny how nostalgia works: certain TV shows are talked about and fondly remembered to this day, while others are forgotten before they're even finished. We loved watching these 11 cartoons when they first aired in the 1980s, but good luck finding someone who remembers them all!1. BraveStarrBraveStarr and Thirty/Thirty.DenOfGeekThis strange space opera about a pair of lawmen on the New Texas planet was actually a spin-off of the Ghostbusters cartoon. Sheriff BraveStarr and his robo-horse Thirty/Thirty defended the planet from rustlers and outlaws like Stampede and Tex Hex.These days, it's remembered mainly for this


Fonzie's Leather Jacket Was Banned, And 12 Other Secrets From The Set Of 'Happy Days'

Whether you grew up in the '50s or not, there's just something about Happy Days that takes us all back to a simpler time. Generations of families have watched the show together, but they probably never knew these behind-the-scenes facts.Hollywood.com1. The cast all worked second jobs as athletesHappy Days creator Gary Marshall came up with a creative way to raise money for charity and let the cast relax after hours. They all played together on a softball team named the Happy Days All Stars. The team played short charity matches before major league games.ABCThey also went on


10 Reasons Why Pat Sajak Is Still The Coolest Game Show Host On TV

If your family is anything like mine, you probably grew up eating your dinner in front of the TV. And since no American family can ever agree on what to watch, we all settled for a game of Wheel of Fortune.They haven't aged a day.HuffPostThe crossword puzzle game show has been a TV staple since 1975, and host Pat Sajak joined on as the host in 1981. Even if you see him on TV every day, there's a lot you probably never knew about Sajak.1. He's a Vietnam War veteranSajak in Vietnam.USOSajak joined the


21 Child Stars From The '80s And Where They Ended Up

Fame is a funny thing, we all still remember these child stars from their classic roles in '80s movies, but most of them have fallen completely out of the spotlight. We looked up some of the decade's biggest (and smallest) stars to learn what they're up to today.1. Lukas Haas Paramount PicturesHaas was just 8 years old when he played the title character in Witness, an Amish boy who witnessed a murder. He's been acting ever since, but his career has been experiencing a renaissance lately with roles in Inception and The Revenant.Zimbio2. Fred SavageFiction MachineWith big roles


14 Times Stuart Was The Best Thing To Happen To MADtv

MADtv is often looked at as a step down from Saturday Night Live. They were both airing at the same time, and it was clear to a lot of people that SNL had the monopoly on sketch comedy. However, there was one series of sketches that remains incredibly popular and absolutely out-ranked anything that SNL put out at the same time. Remember Stuart?MADtvPlayed by Michael McDonald, Stuart was a man-child with an impossibly annoying voice and whose catchphrase was always "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" His mom, played by Mo Collins, struggled to control him, which lead to some


10 Strange Movie Ideas That Came *This Close* To Being Made

In the crazy, mixed up world of Hollywood, some pretty weird ideas get taken very seriously. From improbable sequels to early versions of classic movies, these 10 bizarre projects were very nearly a reality. We'll let you decide if it was good or bad that they never happened.1. TMNT: The Last MutationAfter three films of pizza-eating, ninja-fighting action, the turtles took a break from the big screen for more than 10 years. In the meantime they appeared on TV in The Next Mutation, and that show has its roots in a planned fourth entry in the Ninja Turtles series.