
'Big' Is Celebrating Their 30th Anniversary By Heading Back To Theaters

Big is one of those movies that no matter how ridiculous the plot seems, we all still love it. It is beloved by critics and fans alike, and to this day we all are obsessed with it. The Tom Hanks comedy manages to make a movie about a kid who turned into an adult overnight seem like it's almost realistic. You feel like Josh could be a real guy, and you really want him to find that Zoltar machine. It has been 30 years since the release of the classic movie, and to celebrate the anniversary, it's coming back to


15 Big Questions We All Can't Help But Wonder When We Watch The Movie 'Big'

I think we can all agree that Big is one of Tom Hanks finest roles. I know, I know, he's won awards and gotten more critical acclaim for a lot of his other movies, but that's not the point here. I know that Cast Away was great and Sully was amazing and Captain Phillips was absolutely breathtaking, but can we talk about Big for a second instead. This movie is an absolute trip. It is actually an Academy Award nominated film, so technically it's on the same level of awesome as those other classics, but this one has a plot