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Kooky 90s Comedies We Can’t Get Enough Of

The 90s were a time of great movies, some were instant classics for their powerful messages and incredible acting, whilst others were just downright hilarious. The kooky humor of this decade is unforgettable and there are plenty of films that put it front and center. If you're looking for a trip down memory lane, a good dose of nostalgia, and the chance to giggle until your heart's content then we've got you covered. This carefully curated collection of kooky comedies will have you crying with laughter.

Vegas Vacation (1997)

First on the list is a holiday from the beloved Griswold family. These guys had hit after hit in the 90s with their hilarious antics. Vegas Vacation begins with the Griswold’s deciding on a trip to the capital of entertainment and instantly one of the best gambling movies of all time is created.

The family each have their own agenda when it comes to how they would best like to spend their holiday. Clark and Ellen both hope that this vacation will bring everybody closer together, even our weird cousin Eddie. However, the kids are more concerned with having fun on their own terms and making it their mission to enjoy all-night parties, endless rounds of blackjack, and getting into some sticky situations without their mom and dad around.

There are exactly the kind of capers you would expect from a visit to Vegas, with plenty of casino blunders. We don't enjoy the National Lampoon's vacations for their unpredictability though, this film franchise has a formula, and it sticks to it, which is one of the things that makes it such reliably hilarious, super nostalgic viewing.

Wayne's World (1992)

There are few movies more quotable than Wayne's World. The original was released in 1992 and saw Mike Myers (Wayne) and Dana Carvey (Garth) come together to create one of the most endearing rock groups the world has ever known. Together they run a television show from Wayne's basement that's called Wayne's World. It's kooky, slung together, and hilarious.

It seems that the duo's dream comes true when Benjamin Kane catches their television show and offers them the opportunity to take it to the nation. The pair obviously jump at the chance, but it soon becomes clear that Kane doesn't have their best interests at heart. Soon, the pair need to decide between sticking to their own principles or continuing their contract with the television company. To make matters more confusing, their newfound fame is making them question who they are.

For a movie that could certainly be called silly in parts, this film does a great job of poking fun at the television industry and reminding us that there's nothing more important than friendship.

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

With a name like Dumb and Dumber, it's safe to say that this film has plenty of that stupid humor that so many of us know and love. The Farrelly brothers directed this laugh-a-minute film that features Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as two great big dummies, who end up in love with the same, married, woman.

Lloyd, played by Carrey, is a limousine driver who falls in love with a lady who he picks up called Mary Swanson. He tries everything to return the briefcase that Mary left in his limousine after she had to run for a plane. It turns out that the briefcase contains an enormous sum of money, which Mary's husband intends to use to pay a ransom.

To help him on his journey, he enlists the help of Harry (Jeff Daniels) a local dog groomer to come with him to find Mary and reunite her with the bag. Along the way, the two friends get into a series of increasingly bizarre situations but manage to come out smiling each time. Finally, they discover the truth about the briefcase and through sheer idiocy manage to wangle their way out of trouble and save the day. If you like physical comedy, endless quotes, and acting the fool then you'll love this 90s comedy classic.

Bean (1997)

Bean was such a highly anticipated film owing to the love of the Mr. Bean television series. This would be the first time that Mr. Bean, masterfully played by Rowan Atkinson, would be seen on the big screen. The plot sees Mr. Bean sent to take a piece of priceless art to the Grierson Art Gallery in Los Angeles. Predictably, he doesn't do a great job.

Things start off chaotically when Bean arrives at the airport and manages to smash the frame of the painting to pieces. After this he spills coffee all over the artwork and resolves to just swap it out for a poster. Surely nobody would notice? It turns out that they do, but together with a curator's assistant, the two begin restoring the painting. Obviously, things get more and more farfetched and ridiculous from this point onwards, but that is the joy of this character. He's absurd, chaotic, but at the end of the day, he's lovable.

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