
5 Child Stars That Made Big Bank In The 70s

Now-a-days, it is almost commonplace to hear about how kids on television and in movies are raking in the big bucks, sometimes unbelievably so. But this isn't anything new, as highly watched shows have always made sure to pay their actors (no matter their age) enough for more than a few candy bars.Here's a look at the fabulously wealthy child stars from your favorite hit TV shows!Jodie FosterOSM Weasel!The beloved child star who rose to fame by acting in a variety of TV series' and Disney films was already critically acclaimed before reaching true stardom. After her


12 Little Golden Books That All Of Our Collections Started With

We all owned at least one Little Golden Books when we were kids. They were the originally released all the way back in 1942, but they continued to be published for decades. The collection grew over the years, with new stories being added all the time. They were made specifically to create a sturdier option for children to read. The cardboard cover and colorful images were exactly what kids wanted. The books were all the same length and size and in order to keep them competitively priced they only cost $0.25.  The original set of 12 are some


The True Story Behind Freddie Krueger Will Give You Nightmares

Most horror movie fans will agree: A Nightmare On Elm Street is one of the classics. Not only was the premise utterly terrifying for anyone trying to sleep afterwards, but in the year that it was released the thriller managed to get under your skin and seem just a little too real. As it turns out, maybe it was...El Lado OscuroIn the film, several people are hunted by a serial killer stalking them in their dreams, who uses supernatural powers to create nightmarish situations before slashing them with his glove made of knives. One of the characters begins to


Fonzie's Leather Jacket Was Banned, And 12 Other Secrets From The Set Of 'Happy Days'

Whether you grew up in the '50s or not, there's just something about Happy Days that takes us all back to a simpler time. Generations of families have watched the show together, but they probably never knew these behind-the-scenes facts.Hollywood.com1. The cast all worked second jobs as athletesHappy Days creator Gary Marshall came up with a creative way to raise money for charity and let the cast relax after hours. They all played together on a softball team named the Happy Days All Stars. The team played short charity matches before major league games.ABCThey also went on


Eerie Photos Of NYC Subway From 70's & 80's Shed New Light On City

We all know the infamous reputation of the Big Apple. A bustling hive of scum and machinery where danger lurks around every street corner, and the subway system is the proverbial dungeon of the city. While in actuality NYC isn't as bad as movies and rumors have made it out to be, it was the crime waves of the 70's and 80's that instilled fear into the hearts of tourists and locals alike. Willy Spiller is a Swiss photographer that traveled around the labyrinth that is the New York underground for seven years, taking photographs of the daily interactions of


Only True 'Schoolhouse Rock' Fans Will Remember These Lost Episodes

No matter how old you are, hearing the words "I'm just a bill" is bound to bring back some happy memories.I probably learned more from this cartoon than I did in Civics class.WUSFDespite all of the boring and slow educational shows we watched as kids, it was always enjoyable to learn something from Schoolhouse Rock. The TV show taught us math, science and English using catchy tunes that were easy to remember. Be honest, do you still hum the multiplication songs to yourself? That was why the show was created in the first place. Madison Avenue ad executive