Pop Culture | Cartoons | 80s

By The Power Of Greyskull: He-Man Is Back After 30 Years

The 80s were an absolute goldmine for amazing cartoons. Thundercats, Transformers, and DuckTales were just a few of the gems we were lucky enough to grow up with. Along with those classics, we also had the incomparable He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. The show only ran from 1983-1985, but it had a massive impact on kids who grew up in the 80s. It was also a show so perfect that when Cartoon Network tried to reboot it in 2002 it just couldn't achieve the same success of the original. Now, for the first time since 1985, 80s kids will be able to relive their childhood with a brand new episode.


On July 13, Super7 announced that the episode, titled The Curse of the Three Terrors, will premier at San Diego Comic Con on July 20th in a free public screening. For those of you nowhere near San Diego, fear not, the episode will be available for download on both iTunes and Google Play starting August 1st. At this point it's not clear whether this will just be a one-off episode or a first step towards a new series, but the trailer Super7 released looks so perfect that MOTU fans are bound to be begging for more. Check out the nostalgia-inducing trailer below.

From the sounds of it, original Skeletor voice actor Alan Oppenheimer has returned to his iconic role, which can only bode well for reboot-weary 80s kids. While there's no sign of He-Man in this brief preview, it definitely looks like Skeletor is up to no good. August 1st just can't come soon enough, but in the meantime, you can always compare the new trailer to the original opening.

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10 Movies You Always Have To Explain To Your Friends, Even Though You Remember Them Clear As Day

We all have movies that we watched over and over when we were kids, but for some reason it seems like our friends don't remember them. Why is it that these movies made such a big impact on us when they don't acknowledge that they used to watch them? Are they ashamed of how awesome our childhood favorites were? Because they are nothing short of epic. These movies are some of the best of best, even though many people claim they can't remember watching them. If you can remember these classics then you are the coolest of your friends. 1.

Pop Culture

Behind-The-Scenes Secrets From 'The Blair Witch Project' That Are More Than Just An Urban Legend

The Blair Witch Project was a movie well ahead of its time, later paving the way for successful franchises like Paranormal Activity. It is often overlooked, and always underrated, but it should go down in history as one of the greatest horror films ever made. The movie follows loosely along the legends of an actual "town witch," and looking at how the movie was shot, it actually makes you believe that everything you are seeing is 100% authentic. If you haven't seen the movie, we would suggest taking the opportunity to watch it in the near future. If you have


Watch: TV Hosts Are Baffled By The Internet In This Throwback Clip

Way back in the olden days of 1994, if you were already surfing the web you were probably using Netscape Navigator on your family's AOL subscription. Which is a nice way of saying you were a big nerd.I don't know what the "internet" is, but it looks painful.TimeThe worldwide web was gaining popularity fast, but judging by these reactions from The Today Show, it wasn't exactly mainstream just yet. After the hosts try their best to work out how exactly you pronounce "@," Bryant Gumbel vents his frustration over the newfangled technology."What is the


20 Poochie Toys And Accessories That Will Make You Flash Back To Your Childhood

Some toys manage to gain such a huge following that looking back, seems a bit excessive. For example, we all had to own a yo-yo, but why? Its just a piece of plastic on a string. Or the mayhem that surrounded Cabbage Patch Kids, they were just dolls right? Wrong. They were an icon of society. Another one of those toys that we all became inexplicably obsessed with was Poochie. What's a Poochie? Well obviously it was only one of the very best toys in all the world! If you grew up in the 80s, then you will absolutely remember