
15 Annoying Things We Definitely Don't Miss About Playing Video Games In The '90s

Do we wish we could go back in time, and play all our favorite classic video games without worrying about jobs, family, or other distractions?Absolutely. But while we're making wishes, there's a few other things we'd like to change. Yes, we made a lifetime of happy memories with our old games, but they could be a real pain some times. Technological limitations, bad design, and bizarre choices made gaming in the '90s a pretty stressful experience.Here's 15 things we don't miss about gaming in the '90s:1. Running out of batteries for your handheld consoles Four AAs could


20 Toys That Were On Everyone's Christmas List In 1987

Kids these days. What do they know about real toys? These days kids are more likely to ask their parents for in-app purchases than an action figure. Maybe that's just how things are now, but it makes us long for the Christmas mornings of our childhoods. Here are 20 toys every kid was asking for 30 years ago:1. Lazer TagFuture War StoriesVersions of this toy, which brought laser tag action into your home, are still around today. But Lazer Tag was a real phenomenon when it came out in 1986. Sadly, a 19-year-old was killed in 1987 after police


Almost 20 Years After They Left TV, What Happened To The Winslows?

We all loved watching Urkel upset the Winslow family with his wacky antics, but did you know the show was a spin-off of Perfect Strangers?Family Matters left the airwaves in 1998, and since then the cast have been keeping busy. Let's see what they've been up to through the years:1. Telma Hopkins (Rachel Crawford) Before Hopkins was an actress, she was part of the vocal group Tony Orlando and Dawn. She had regular roles on sitcoms like Bosom Buddies and Gimme a Break! before joining Family Matters as Harriette Winslow's sister.ZimbioAfter the show ended, Hopkins starred in


11 Creepy Toys From Our Childhood That Still Give Us Nightmares

Maybe you weren't a total fraidy-cat like me, but being a kid is still a pretty terrifying experience.While we all dream of going back to the days without work or responsibilities, we forget how scary it was just to walk down into a dark, empty basement when we were kids. Even playtime wasn't safe, because some of our toys could be downright disturbing. These 11 were the creepiest by far:1. The Chatter TelephoneAmino AppsIf your toddler has been fed, changed, taken his nap, and has eaten a full meal, but he still won't stop crying, it's probably because


The 21 Absolute Weirdest 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Novels

When we were kids, we couldn't get enough of these addictive novels that put you in the driver's seat.Writer Edward Packard revolutionized kids' books when he wrote the first "Choose Your Own Adventure" novel, but his flagship series inspired some pretty odd titles. Here are 21 of the series' most bizarre entries:1. Prisoner of the Ant PeopleBantam BooksAs you can probably guess from this insane cover, this books puts you in the middle of inter-planetary intrigue as you combat the Evil Power Master and his Ant People. "Evil Power Master?" Isn't that name a little obvious? How about


Check Your Basement: These 13 Magic Cards Are Worth A Small Fortune

When Magic: The Gathering hit the scene in 1993, it changed the world of trading cards forever.Finally, there was a trading card game that older kids weren't embarrassed to be seen playing. Today, 20 million Magic players around the world are still collecting and trading their cards. But even if you've given up on the game, you might want to dig up your old collection.Certain magic cards are worth a bundle online. We've researched the average prices  for 13 of the most valuable cards (in good condition) on MTGPrices. See if any of these are tucked away


24 Christmas Songs Every 90s Kid Sang While Waiting For Santa

We get it, okay? Christmas music can be excessive as the holiday season approaches. But there are some songs that are SO classic and SO catchy, there's really no bad time to listen to them. Some of the biggest pop artists of our past released Christmas songs that don't get nearly as much credit as they deserve. And some get more than they should. You decide which is which. 1. Funky, Funky, Christmas by New Kids On The Block2. Christmas Don't Be Late by Alvin and the Chipmunks3. Christmas Wrapping by The Spice Girls4. Sleigh Ride (also by The Spice