Life | Pop Culture | 80s

80s Babies Will Instantly Remember All Of These Things

Ah, the 80s. A time of neon colors and arguably the best music era ever.

Unfortunately, because of technology, not many things from the 80s have made their way to 2016.

Though these things may be a distant memory by now, every 80s baby will be able to relate.

Enjoy this blast from the past!

1. Buying 'The Baby Sitters Club' books for $5.

2. Trapper Keepers

3. Saving your homework on floppy discs

4. Speak and Spells being the original spell check

5. Listening to your favorite cassette tape on your Walkman

6. The extreme stress of printing on Dot matrix printer paper

7. Jamming out on your pocket rocker

8. Using your quarters to buy new pencils

9. The smell of burning flesh when you went to pick up your seat-belt in the summer

There are more amazing 80s memories on the next page!

10. Waiting (im)patiently to use the class computer to play Oregon Trail

11. Library Day, and the cards that kept track of who had the book

12. Disclosing tablets that were NOT mints

13. Book Orders, which are actually still a thing

14. Levar Burton and Reading Rainbow

15. Wooden spoons at school for ice cream

16. The Ditto Machine

17. Garbage Pail Kids

18. Bob Ross

There are still more things that 80s kids will remember over on the next page!

19. Super Squeezers

20. Weepuls

21. The Challenger disaster

22. Having Nancy Reagan steer you away from drugs

23. The Triple Fat Goose

24.  Having to use the library catalog to look for the book you needed

25. New Scratch 'n Sniff Stickers

26. Who the HECK shot J.R. on Dallas?!

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