Pop Culture

The History of Roulette

Roulette is well-known as a classic casino game in both land-based and online casinos. It is based on the fundamentals of placing a bet to see where a ball will land once the wheel is spun. Offering a thrilling and elegant kind of entertainment, it has been popular for many years. But what are its origins, and how has it developed? Beginning of the Roulette WheelThere are various tales of where the Roulette wheel has its origins. The name itself points to where it was born; ‘roulette’ means ‘small wheel’ in French. Some sources date the formation of the game


6 Facts About 'The Golden Girls' That Even The Most Die-Hard Fans Probably Haven't Heard

Before there was Carrie & Co., there was Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, and Sophia. Golden Girls was the daring sitcom that followed glamorous grannies and beloved by anyone who couldn't help but smile at their antics. We all remember the then-shocking bedroom humor from Miami's most provocative senior debutantes, whether we watched the show ourselves or looked on in horror as our mothers cracked up at their innuendos and sexual escapades. Little did we know there was a ton of drama going on backstage that would have made for an interesting few episodes by itself! Let's see how much you know about