
Facebook Doesn't Recognize Alan Alda And He Can't Figure Out Why

We've all been using Facebook for over a decade now. It's one of the best places to catch up with our friends, follow the news, and keep up with celebrities. Many celebs have their own Facebook fan pages to help them stay connected to their fans. They can post all their latest projects, charity causes they care about, and personal updates all from the comfort of their own homes. Sometimes the actors aren't responsible for updating their own pages, but apparently for one 80s actor, actually trying to communicate with his fans has become an ordeal. CBSAlan Alda was one


7 Facts About Alan Alda Not Even Die Hard MASH Fans Know

Starring in the the hit show M*A*S*H helped solidify Alan Alda as one of America's favorite television stars. The show started in 1972 and lasted for 11 seasons, and still remains one of the highest rated television shows in history. Millions of peopled loved to watch it, and Alan Alda was probably the best part. CBSAlda played Haweye Pierce, the Chief surgeon and Captain of the group. He has had an interesting career and life, and there are probably a lot of facts that you didn't know about him! He commuted cross-country every weekCBSAlan Alda was obviously