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Self-Publishing: A Guide by Write My Essay Expert to Publish a Book in 6 Simple Steps

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

For everyone who is into writing and wants to monetize their talent, a published book is the apogee of the writing career. So whether you are a professional or an amateur, writing your own book is a big and important deal.

While writing a book is just a matter of patience, skill, and dedication, publishing one is much more complicated. Just a decade ago, authors would have to send dozens of copies of their final draft to publishers and hope that someone would notice it and sign a contract with them. But now, everything’s different. Today, you can publish a book on your own, and it's even easier than typing "write my research paper for me" into Google!

Where do you start? In this article, a professional writer from a trusted write my essay service for students will guide you through this matter. Read on to learn how to self-publish your first book with no stress!

1. Write a Marketable Book

There is one catch about self-publishing. While a professional publisher will take care of your book’s marketing and sales, in self-publishing, you will have to deal with it yourself. So the very first step to success is writing a book that’s actually marketable. To do this, you need to conduct thorough market research and test your idea’s viability. Apart from defining a trending genre, you need to evaluate relevant bestsellers and study how well they sell. But if you have a pile of homework waiting for you at the time of research, an online essay writing service will handle it for you.

If you are an ambitious student author, writing a good book that sells can be even more challenging. Due to a hefty academic load, students often have barely any time left for other things. So, before you start, read an objective essay writing service review or two to find a reliable helper who will cover your back academically while you work on your masterpiece.

2. Edit Without Mercy

To self-publish your book and sell it, you have to ensure that your final draft is flawless. So once you finish writing, get to editing and edit without mercy. First, proofread and polish the manuscript yourself. Then, hand the copies of your manuscript to other people who fall into your target audience to get their feedback.

Finally, let professionals give your book a second round of proofreading. You can even use the best paper writing services to request proofreading or find a professional who specializes in book editing.

3. Create a Killer Design

A famous saying claims that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Yet, most people do. When looking for a nice book to read, most consumers will first evaluate its cover and only then read the description. Therefore, to drive sales, you need to have a cover design that drives attention and sets your book aside from the rest.

If you have the needed skills and can hire an essay writer online to get enough time, you can work on the design yourself. Now, there are plenty of tools like Canva, Visme, Fotor, and others that will help you. Otherwise, you can delegate this task to a professional designer. We recommend hiring one on freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.

4. Pick a Suitable Self-Publishing Platform

Self-publishing platforms enable authors to turn the final elements of their books into an end product and get it in front of potential buyers. The choice of the platform will affect your budget, distribution channels, and other things. So you have to choose wisely.

The most obvious pick for most authors is Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP. This is the most trending self-publishing platform offered by Amazon, which holds nearly 50% of the printed book market today and 83% of e-book sales. This platform has several large benefits:

  • It’s super easy to get started and publish a book;
  • There is a print-on-demand feature to let you sell physical books without unnecessary expenses;
  • There are many good marketing algorithms to help you promote your book;
  • You will get 60% royalties.

The biggest downside of KDP is that e-books published here can’t be sold anywhere else. If this doesn’t sound good to you, consider other trending self-publishing platforms like Lulu, Reedsy, Blurb, and IngramSpark.

5. Format Your Book

According to an expert writer from Do My Essay, formatting is the most responsible and time-consuming step in self-publishing. That’s when you put the final touches to your masterpiece. And you have to ensure that it has everything a professional book has.

All the self-publishing platforms we recommended to you earlier have special tools for seamless formatting of your final draft before it goes to the shelf. These tools will help you ensure that the front matter, body matter, and back matter of your book look great. And most of these tools will assign you an ISBN - a unique identifier of a book.

6. Market Your Book

Finally, when your book gets out there, all you have to focus on is marketing. Encourage user reviews, leverage social media, and launch paid campaigns to get more people to buy your masterpiece!

To Sum Up

That’s all. These days, anyone can self-publish a book in these simple steps. So if you have always dreamt about it, go ahead and use this guide to ensure success!

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