Pop Culture | Movies | 80s

They Had The Time Of Their Lives At The Debate - Dirty Dancing Style

The most important thing to come out of the Presidential debate this weekend (other than policy and you know, the real stuff) was this video. Someone perfectly set the 80's Dirty Dancing classic theme "Time of My Life". The scary part is how perfectly it fits over their mouth movements! No matter what your political stance is, I think we can all agree that this video is the real winner of the debate.

Just look at how he serenades her.

Look at the passion Hilary puts into it! Check out the girl in the background, she is impressed.

Check out the video below, it is like a palette cleanser between political attacks.

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Pauly Shore Was The Surprise Star of the 90s, But Where Has He Been Since?

Becoming a comedic legend isn't easy. Sometimes it happens when you're least expecting it. For Pauly Shore, it happened so fast that he almost missed it. Buena Vista PicturesIn the early 90s, Shore landed a coveted VJ spot on MTV. He managed to build his brand enough to secure himself a spot in the surprise hit Encino Man with Brendan Frasier. The movie became a huge hit (much to the surprise of everyone) and so suddenly Shore became a hot commodity. Buena Vista PicturesIt wasn't all simple for Shore. He had a lot of bad reviews and many movies flopped


5 Roles That Turned Heath Ledger From Dropout To Legendary Actor

10 years ago, the world lost a rising star too soon, and in that time we have found new reasons to mourn the loss of a talented and heartwarming actor. Heath Ledger died ten years ago in an apparent overdose to prescription drugs that he had obtained in order to deal with mental health problems he had been suffering. We remember Ledger for his versatility as an actor, as he famously said "I feel like I am wasting my time if I repeat myself."In remembrance to his legacy, we'll look back at some of the most defining roles he


The Story Behind The Making Of 'The Last Samurai' Proves Why It Deserves To Be Respected

If you haven't seen this outstanding story about the ending of the samurai era in 1800s Japan, then you have spent the last 15 years "in a great shame." The film follows the story of a disgraced war hero who is seeking redemption when he is brought in to help crush the resistant forces to modernism in Japan. Tom Cruise plays American Captain Nathan Algren, who is captured by a band of warriors who believe their emperor is being manipulated. Algren finds a newfound respect for the resistance and it's leader, Katsumoto, and discovers a cause worth fighting for again.

Pop Culture

Behind-The-Scenes Secrets From 'The Blair Witch Project' That Are More Than Just An Urban Legend

The Blair Witch Project was a movie well ahead of its time, later paving the way for successful franchises like Paranormal Activity. It is often overlooked, and always underrated, but it should go down in history as one of the greatest horror films ever made. The movie follows loosely along the legends of an actual "town witch," and looking at how the movie was shot, it actually makes you believe that everything you are seeing is 100% authentic. If you haven't seen the movie, we would suggest taking the opportunity to watch it in the near future. If you have


He Made Us All Laugh In The 90s, But Where Is Sinbad Now?

Some people stand out because they are incredibly popular, others because of a memorable role, but there are some people are memorable simply because they have a bizarre enough name that it just sticks with you. Sinbad is one of those people. The comedian and actor known as Sinabd was incredibly popular for a good chunk of the 90s, but he has seemed to have vanished completely. Where did he end up after stepping out of the spotlight? CoalSpeakerSinbad's real name is actually David Adkins. Doesn't really have the same appeal as Sinbad now does it? He was raised in