
6 Facts About The Man Who Was Definitely In Your Favorite Movie

Chances are, you have seen actor Bob Hoskins. In fact, the odds are good that you have seen him in a ton of your favorite films over the years. Hoskins was an incredible actor with a history of working on stage with famous plays in leading roles, and was able to lift up any story line with only a side part. He passed away in 2014, but his death is still given a tribute year after year by fans loyal to his brilliant characters.Whether he was on or off the screen, Hoskins had a larger-than-life personality that translated into


Woody Allen Married His 27-Year-Old Step-Daughter Because "The Heart Wants What It Wants"

While being known as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, Woody Allen has led a life of both triumph, and shame.The acclaimed writer, actor, and producer faced a public backlash like no other when his marriage to Mia Farrow began to fall apart at the seams, bringing forward accusations that shook the reputation of the once-beloved Hollywood icon.New York TimesWhile both Allen and Farrow were dating (the pair were never formally married), they shared custody over their biological child, Satchel, and two adopted children, Dylan and Moshe.At the time of their relationship, Farrow had five

Pop Culture

6 Movies That Caused A Lot Of Trouble When They Were Released

Movies are supposed to entertain you. They are also supposed to elicit an emotional reaction out of you, whether it be: happiness, sadness, fear, joy, anger, contempt or any number of others. That's the great thing about movies and television, you can essentially do whatever you want because you are just telling stories, that is unless you do something that gets the masses up in arms over what you have created. Some movies are hit the big screen to such controversy that they actually inspired protests. Some were even banned in certain countries because they were deemed to be far


Have You Ever Wondered How Much Famous TV Homes From Your Favorite Shows Cost In Real Life?

Our favorite TV show homes are just as cozy as our own. But if you tried to move into one, you'd probably be denied a loan from the bank.  As you may know, most shows are filmed in the City of Angels, and I'm sure you're also aware that most homes in that area are worth millions. Here are 10 houses from your favorite shows that I'm sure you've wondered the cost of at some point while watching TV. 1. Full HouseAddress: 1709 Broderick Street, San Francisco, CaliforniaCelebuzzDanny Tanner's San Francisco home, which is a Victorian three-bedroom, is worth


6 Things About "Good Will Hunting" That You Can't Just Read In A Book

By now, if you haven't seen this incredibly witty and emotional classic film you've either been living under a rock, or are too much of a genius to have ever left the library. But either way, don't worry. It's not your fault. The character drama about a boy genius who is making his way through life in Boston has had an unbelievably strong pull on audiences for the past three decades. Whether it was because of the lovable debut of screenwriters Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the gripping performance by Robin Williams, or the narrative around a prodigy who has