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NBC Wants To Bring Back The Office, But Not Everyone Is Excited About It

Watching the insane antics of Michael Scott, Pam Beesly, Jim Halpert and Dwight Schrute was one of the highlights of the early 2000s.


They were such goofballs and the show was really different than a lot of the other options out there. There was no laugh track, no studio audience, and they weren't pretending the cameras weren't there.  


The documentary style paved the way for a bunch of other similar shows including Parks and Recreation and Modern Family. Now, there are rumors swirling that The Office might come back to prime-time.


The show ended back in 2013, but that doesn't mean we have forgotten about it. With all these reboots and revivals coming around like the new Will & Grace series, or the Full House reunion, people started to wonder if The Office could come back too.


I guess not everyone was satisfied with the ending, and they want more jello pranks and maybe even another Dundies ceremony.


The producers have been talking about it! Click to the next page to see what they've been saying.

Even though The Office has only been off the air for a few years, people are already missing it. NBC executives have been getting questions about a potential reunion a lot lately because of the fact that they brought back Will & Grace.


The sitcom was on the same network so obviously it's bound to come up, but chairman Bob Greenblatt gave us all a little sliver of hope.

He said "We often talk about The Office. I've talked to Greg [Daniels, creator] four times over the past few years. It's always 'maybe some day but not now'."


Greenblatt continued by saying "There is certainly an open invitation but we don't have anything happening right now. If he wants to do it, I would do it."

What do you think they could do to make it worth it? Personally I think just a one off Dundies might be a really great option, kind of like a little reunion episode. The way they had ended the show left a lot of people running off in different directions so it would be super interesting to catch back up with them and see how they are doing.


Greenblatt said that "It's not an easy thing to crack, expectations are so high and you've got to get it just right... We're not thinking anything beyond Miami Vice [at the moment]"

He did extend the offer to another popular NBC show though, Greenblatt said "If Tina [Fey] called and said 'I'd do 30 Rock', I'd do it in a heartbeat, even for a limited run. The same about the Office."


Not everyone is super psyched about a potential reunion though. Steve Carell, AKA World's Best Best Boss Michael Scott, is not interested. He said "I don't think it's a good idea. Fans of any show think that they want to see more of that show but I don't really believe that's the case...Even in the best possible scenario, it's always a slight disappointment."


Well, even though he's not excited doesn't mean you can't be. Do you think they should bring back The Office or is it better to let it be over?

Let us know what you think in the comments!  

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