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The New 'Magnum P.I .' Reboot Started, And People Have A Lot Of Feelings About It


We all know that reboots are the only thing that TV networks want to give us anymore, but here's the thing, it's hard to know if it's actually going to be good or not.

Sure, everyone says they hate all of the reboots, but that can't possibly be true. There has to be some that are okay otherwise they wouldn't keep getting made.

Well, Magnum P.I. has a new reboot and it officially aired its first episode, and people have some mixed reviews.

The Hollywood Reporter wasn't completely horrified by the episode, but they did call it "so-so." "Having seen only the pilot, I can say that Magnum P.I. is exactly so-so enough that I'll give it another episode or two to see if Hernandez taps into a Magnum of his own," Daniel Fienberg of The Hollywood Reporter says.


Obviously, stepping into the shoes of Tom Selleck is kind of a big deal, and while Jay Hernandez did his best, he just can't be Selleck.

"The problem is in having no defining way in which this Magnum stands out. Were he sufficiently enough his own character, comparisons to Selleck wouldn't be necessary," Fienberg continues. "So far, he is not, and my fear is that the producers thought a mere mustache shave would be enough to duck comparisons, which isn't the same as, you know, writing a character with a personal voice."

Here's what the fans of the original think:


Some are genuinely shocked at how much they like it.

"Didn't expect to be enjoying the new [Magnum P.I.] this much. Didn't expect to love the new Higgins either. Really really REALLY didn't expect my fave moment to include a Spice Girls song. Yet here we are."

Others are happy that they totally "nailed it."


"As a fan of the original Magnum P.I. I think you guys nailed this reboot."

One is ready for them to "bring it on."

"Day behind but glad I watched [Magnum P.I.] I see potential since it has the feel [of] MacGyver & [Hawaii Five-0]. That sheer OMG, WTF's, OH DAMN they just did that! I love it... so bring it on!"

However, not everyone was as happy about it.


"My plan for this evening - watching 4 episodes of classic Magnum P.I with Tom Selleck & John Hillerman just to get rid of this horrible experience watching the reboot of [Magnum P.I.] - stupid storyline, plot holes, awful acting & casting."

Some people were just "meh" about it.

"Well, I didn't hate it, but... meh..."

There were even people who wanted to love it who just couldn't.


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