
10 Trends From The 90s We Would All Really Like To Forget

Listen, we can all reminisce about the 90s until we are blue in the face, but there were some fads that just were a little bit... well, bizarre, is the best way to put it. No decade can claim that they were free from the crazy flash fads that seemed to come and go before anyone could really understand what was going on, but the 90s sure did have some weird ones. How many do you remember? 1. Chain WalletsYou couldn't trust anyone back in the 90s. You had to make sure those things were secured properly into your pocket,


Mullets Are Trying To Come Back And It'll Make You Wonder Wtf Is Going On With The World

We all remember the years of the mullet right? It was a dark time. A scary time. A time when logic died. "Business in the front, party in the back!" Who really believed that? Sure, there are still some people out there, you know who you are, who have been rocking the mullet non-stop for decades now, but they know they are in the minority. The style fell out of popularity somewhere in the early 90s, and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. The mullet was gone. No more tall mullets. Total BeautyNo more curly mullets.