Pop Culture

7 Facts About 'Black Beauty,' The Book That Made Every Kid Completely Obsessed With Horses

It almost seemed as though becoming obsessed with horses was a right of passage. Most of us went through at least a little phase of asking for a pony for Christmas, and pretending like we knew all about the giant animals. Obviously some people kept with it longer than others, but whether or not you are still into horses, chances are you remember reading and watching Black Beauty. The story managed to transcend time, and even though it originally came out in 1877, kids still read it to this day. How much do you really know about the iconic story


11 Things Every Kid Who Grew Up With A Horse Obsession Will Remember

It seems as though in every family there is someone who is obsessed with horses. I don't think that this is necessarily specific to the 80s or 90s, but it did seem to gain a little bit of mainstream attention. When I say obsessed, I don't mean the people who would ask for a pony once and then give up, I mean people like my sister who asked for a pony every year until she was old enough to make a presentation as to why she should have a horse. This is a real thing that happened... And it actually