
13 Pages From A Delia's Catalog That Will Make You Feel Like A Pre-Teen Again

When you were a preteen, there were few more important things than picking out your style. The clothes you wore would help you feel confident while you were going through some of the roughest years of your life, so obviously you had to pick the best ones. Where was the best place to get clothes? Obviously it was the Delia's catalog! It was the most stylish and awesome place to get clothes from, even though our parents didn't believe us. For some reason they would say that we should just buy clothes in store so we knew what fit, but


15 Things All 90s Kids Hope To Never Suffer Through Again

Growing up in the 90s had a pretty unique set of stressful situations. Sure, it was never life or death, but sometimes it really felt like it. 90s kids experienced their own struggles, ones that kids today wouldn't understand at all.  They have their own problems, sure, but ours were pretty much the worst. I mean, of course we think that because they were our problems, but still! Check out the problems and see if any of these sound familiar:You lost your favorite Lip Smacker and can't find it in store anymore RetrolandWhen your bangs or your bowl


Tamagotchis Are Back So It's Time To Relive Your Childhood!

We can all remember the day that we got our first Tamagotchi. We would promise our moms that we would play with it all the time and that it would absolutely be worth the money. We would bring them everywhere we went, whether it was to school or to a friends house. Brian CrecentreYou would have your electronic pet in your pocket or on a special lanyard around your neck at all times. They were basically the most important thing in your life for a while there, but then they got banned from school and eventually we outgrew them. Rolling


10 Baby Names That Seemed Like They Were The Only Ones That Existed In The 80s

It seemed like everyone had the same names when we were growing up. There were always at least two or three kids in our classes who had the same names and even though they may have spelled it different, it made everything more complicated.  Meagan KellyNowadays, parents all claim that they want unique names. Let's be real though, our parents thought the same thing. Trending names are common in every decade, the most popular choices just change. Why do these names get popular? It might be because certain celebrities are popular at the time so it inspires more people.


15 Pages From The 1983 Sears Wish Book That Will Make You Feel Like A Kid Again

When we were kids, there was nothing better than getting the Sears Wish Book. It was the most exciting pieces of mail we'd get all year long. When the Sears catalog arrived, our moms knew they needed to watch out because we always got first dibs.The Sears catalog was amazing year-round. Obviously the 'Wish Book' was the best issue of the year, but even the ones that came out for the other seasons still gave us something to look at when we were bored. We would all spend so much time looking through the pages, making mental lists of


13 Swatch Watches Everyone Was Tick-Tocking About In The 80s

If you grew up in the 80s, chances are you owned a swatch watch. It wasn't like we all had cell phones with built in clocks, we had to own a physical device whose only purpose was to let us know when it was time to go home for dinner. BloomingdalesEveryone knows that Swatch Watches were the coolest of them all. They were bright, funky, fun and obviously everyone just had to have one. Did you have one when you were a kid? Maybe you recognize some of these? Elegant and simpleEbayBright and funkyEbayHow about one with a nice cloth


13 Sweaters You Remember Thinking Were Totally Rad Back In The 80s

There really is nothing quite like the fashion from the 80s. Sure, every decade has its own definitive look, but none are quite as wonderfully weird as the 80s. The hair, the makeup, and the shoulder pads were all a pretty big factor, but the sweaters are probably the most memorable. Every sweater that was purchased in the 80s was a true piece of art. Or at least that's what we have to tell ourselves to try to understand why these were ever made. Check out these truly hilarious and often times insane sweaters that we all rocked in the


15 Times Shoulder Pads Proved They Were The Most Excessive Fashion Trend Of The 80s

A lot of the fashion choices we made in the 80s weren't out finest moments, but you know what, we have to live with it. The fact of the matter is, the popular styles were very different than they are now. We should probably just embrace our bad choices right? Own up to the embarrassing memories? Well, let's get into the biggest fashion mistake we are all guilty of: Shoulder pads. They were big, they were excessive, and they were everywhere. Like Totally 80sAll of our favorite stars wore them, our friends wore them, and of course we wore them