
6 Facts About Reading Rainbow That You Won't Have To Take My Word For

Reading Rainbow was a fantastic series that I, like many others, spent many hours exploring the joys of literature with before running off to the local library to take out as many books as I could!The show seemed to have always been there, and in that time it touched the lives of kids all across America. Here are the interesting facts that you probably didn't know about one of the most colorful programs that is totally making a comeback today!The original show lasted for 26 yearsAmazonGoing on for more than two and a half decades is impressive by


20 Things That Will Almost Make You Miss Going Back To School

With all the kids packing up their binders and brand new agendas, it's easy to get nostalgic. There were a lot of moments that made school super fun when we were kids. Our responsibilities were limited to what we had to do for homework and that was it. Looking back, school isn't really anything like what it used to be. Kids today have no idea what it was like back in our day, but I'm sure every generation says the same thing about the one that comes next. How many of these memorable things do you recognize from your experience


Lisa Frank Teams Up With Reebok To Create The Most Wonderful Shoes Ever

Back-to-school season is upon us! This means that those of us who have already grown out of the school years are all experiencing some stress that we can't explain. It seems like no matter how long it has been since we graduated, there is this permanent association with the end of summer that makes us feel like we need to go buy some new pencils. WikimediaThe one thing that we do get to benefit from is the back-to-school fashions! Every year companies seem to put all their best stuff out when they know kids will be shopping. So, we may