
Life | 00s

10 Images That Show Just How Far Technology Has Come In the Last Decade


Technology has been advancing at a faster rate than ever in the 2010s, and for the most part it's made our lives pretty awesome. I mean, how many of you are reading this on a smartphone right now? The funny thing is, it wasn't that long ago that a lot of the things we take for granted weren't around in the same way. We had to deal with things like...

1) Hoping the video store had what you wanted to rent


2) Paying for ringtones so your flip phone would sound cooler


3) Printing out Google directions


4) Having to clean a mouse ball

Computer Dust Solutions

5) Needing the mirror to take selfies with

Click to the next page for even more technological inconveniences we don't have anymore.

6) Download speeds

7) Storage size


8) Listening to a skipping CD

Hardware Secrets

9) Needing an Encarta CD to look things up


10) Needing one of these to play with more than two people


Are you glad we don't have to deal with these things anymore?